Data Statistics of Auslan-Daily

Key statistics of Auslan-Daily. Auslan-Daily Communication and Auslan-Daily News are two sub-datasets split from Auslan-Daily. OOV: out-of-vocabulary. Singleton: words that only occur once in the training dataset.

In Auslan-Daily, there are in total 25,106 video clips encompassing 67 unique signers, with the vocabulary size of 13,945 words. As the number of persons ranges from 1 to 10 in a video clip, the distractions, such as gesture interference of multi-persons, are also involved in sign language translation, thus imposing challenges in this task.

Benchmark of Auslan-Daily on Sign Language Translation

Translation results of Single-Person SLT and Multi-Person SLT models on Auslan-Daily.


  1. Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation. link
  2. Sign Language Transformers: Sign Language Transformers: Joint End-to-end Sign Language Recognition and Translation. link
  3. TSPNet: Hierarchical Feature Learning via Temporal Semantic Pyramid for Sign Language Translation. link
  4. A Simple Multi-Modality Transfer Learning Baseline for Sign Language Translation. link